Whats a typical day on one of the tours?

A typical day begins with breakfast at the hotel around 0800 and be on the road by 0900. We would be taking a run out for a solid 2-3 hours. During the run out and location dependant you'll encounter great driving roads through awesome landscapes.

Its upto each car to decide whether to follow our pace car, (as you'll be given both printed and a digital route maps for your mobile device), or whether you want to go at your own faster, or slower pace. There'll be opportunities for photo stops, which will be highlighted on your routes.

Typically each day we would have a variety of different runs of varying length. Lunch is usually around 1pm for 1 hour 15 minutes (not included in the cost). Lunch destinations would be pre-selected and will often require pre-ordering 14 days prior to the run itself. Drivers are free to go do their own thing, and there is no obligation to attend the group lunch.

Each run will take drivers to destinations of interest, but our focus is on ensuring the routes and roads we take, are the most interesting to drive. 

Whats included in the cost?

The hotels, breakfast, the routes shared digitally as Google Map routes and a digital PDF, and the lead car. Our lead will be going at its own brisk pace. It’s upto each car to decide whether to keep pace or to go slower or faster as they please. Routes will be provided and revealed on each day of the tour in digital format - with GPS co-ordinates.

Dependant on the run, a group dinner will be included on some tours, for the first night of the tour.

Is it a rally, race or time trial?

Drivers Only is none of the above.

It's about taking people who enjoy driving their cars briskly through awesome roads, and amazing scenery. Safety is of upmost importance and we always say treat other road users like they were you family giving them plenty of space, time and consideration. Naturally its upto each individual to ensure the follow the local laws of the roads.

What type of cars can I expect?

Dependant on the rally, we expect a diverse variety of cars to be in attendance and we do not discriminate against anything other than three wheelers, caravans and cars with wood panelling.

 What happens in the evenings?

The evenings are free for you to do as you want. The hotels we select will have a bar / restaurant, so we would naturally be there for an informal gathering for a drink or coffee or two.

This ensures we can keep the rally cost as competitive as possible, so you can spend the savings on V Power.

 What happens if I breakdown?

As per the road trip rules set by the sacred fellowship, Clarkson, Hammond and May, those that breakdown should have bought a better car! But on a serious note, we would naturally do our upmost to help, but we cannot be held responsible for issues encountered with your car. We recommend you subscribe to European breakdown cover with one of the major car breakdown companies.

Is it difficult to do?

If you like driving, then no. Drivers Only is for people who love driving. If you love cars, but would much rather keep them in your garage in pristine condition, we respect that - but our belief is cars are designed to driven. We exist to ensure you get to drive your cars, on the best roads available. If a minimum of six hours of daily driving doesn't sound like fun to you, the Drivers Only isn't for you.

However if driving long distances through awesome roads across both smooth and not so great tarmac on occasions - then this is who you want to do your driving tour with.

Is the pace car a guide car?

No. The pace car is there purely as a reference point. Even though drivers are welcome to follow the pace car, but it will NOT be acting as a guide car. Every driver is expected to be able to navigate the route themselves via the the route guide and digital routes provided.